Tuesday 20 January 2015

Raspberry cheesecake brownie

So Faith will turn thirteen next month and to mark the special occasion she is having a disco party. The guest list currently stands at 80 people and i'm doing the catering, gulp!
So naturally I've been busy trying out recipes to feed the masses. This was Faith's first suggestion as she made it once before from the hummingbird bakery cookbook  and said it was very good. Having just tried it I have to agree it's a lovely thing. As you can probably tell from the title it's a layer of chocolate brownie, then a layer of vanilla cheesecake and topped with a layer of raspberry cream. You can find the recipe at http://www.goodtoknow.co.uk/recipes/433316/Hummingbird-Bakery-raspberry-cheesecake-brownie

 Brownie layer ready for the oven.

Cheesecake and brownie cooked, this picture looks darker than it actually is. It should be golden brown round the edges and pale in the centre. I accidentally made a rather large hole testing to see if the brownie was cooked underneath the cheesecake, but there's cream going on next so I don't mind.


 A rather generous layer of raspberry cream. This is my favourite part.
Topped the whole thing off with some freeze dried raspberries and a dusting of icing sugar.

The cheesecake layer seems a little thin to me so next time I'm going to double the ingredients for that layer.

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