Tuesday 25 November 2014


I make a loaf of bread about once a fortnight using Paul Hollywood's recipe for an easy white loaf. The first one I made didn't look that good....

But like most things it just takes a little practice. I found the recipe to be quite adaptable and now use it for a variety of loaves and buns. My favourite loaf is my
Poppyseed loaf

You can find the recipe for this bread here; http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/white_bread

For the poppy seeded bread just throw in a handful of poppyseeds at the mixing stage.

Sunday 23 November 2014

Moustache cake

Right before my eldest daughter's twelfth birthday she became obsessed with moustaches. They were everywhere and she had leggings and t-shirts and pencil cases with them on, as did all her friends. I had to make a moustache cake for her birthday. It turned out to be the easiest birthday cake I'd made so far. It was red velvet, her favourite, and a perfect moustache colour when topped with deep chocolate icing. It started as a two-layer circular cake, then was cut in half , one half turned upside down and the whole thing opened up to create a perfect moustache shape. Some fork lines across the top and chocolate sprinkles along the bottom and it was done.

It was so simple that I had to make something to go with it, and I found the perfect cake toppers on eBay and decided on cupcakes. Same red velvet cake inside.


So easy to make, yet looks really good. My husband is currently halfway through Movember and this would be the best way to celebrate the moustache coming off at the end of the month, I think!